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Developers & Builders! - Logistics & Supply chain challenges 

Developers, builders, and others needing power service should be aware that Electric Utilities across the Country are experiencing logistics & supply chain issues for certain electrical items, which include items such as power distribution transformers, pvc conduit, meters, and other key components. SESD is not immune from these issues. We are facing the same long lead times as other utilities across the Country. Suppliers are reporting lead times of 52 weeks or longer for certain items that are commonly used for power service.  SESD is working with our suppliers and we are looking at other ways to help our customers, but the best thing for all of us to do is plan ahead. We strongly suggest applying sooner rather than later so we can, in turn, start working on design and sourcing items for your project. 


Follow the link below for an informative story & additional information from NRECA

Suppliers Warn That Logistics Challenges Could Linger Into 2023